Is it safe to trade on Tenet?

<aside> 🔥 Tenet is safe to invest. All payments and withdrawals are backed by secure and private networks.


How much do I earn for every trade?

<aside> ❓ You will earn Rs. 10 for every trade you win. This amount includes amount put in by you in trade. If you made multiple trades then final amount will be number of trades made X Rs. 10


Are the events listed by Tenet or by users?

<aside> 💡 Currently, all events are created by Tenet. We are working on the best way to support user-created events. We will be shipping it soon.


What if my trades are unmatched and event is closed?

<aside> ⚛️ If any event closes before your trades on that events are matched then the trade is cancelled and amount is refund back to your wallet.


What if the event trade is closed incorrectly?

<aside> ✅ At Tenet, we take utmost care while settling the events. However, in case of any unfortunate human error this happens we will reverse all trades made on that event.


How secure is Tenet?

<aside> ⏰ Protection of user data is our top-most priority and we take great steps to ensure that your data is protected. You are required to enter an OTP every time you log in to your account. Our platform is encrypted with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer-Encryption) which enables secure data transfer between you and websites or between two systems.


Is KYC mandatory for trades?

<aside> 📢 KYC is only mandatory for the withdrawal of funds from your wallet to your bank account or UPI. It is not required to participate in event trade.
